Monthly Bookish Awesomeness: June 2015

In which I recap what went down in the last four weeks here and outside the blog.


Daaang, we’re approaching the other half of the year already! Quite a lot has happened this month not only to me but also to the wider blogosphere (happy blogoversary Hazel @ Stay Bookish, Joséphine @ Word Revel, Jen @ Pop! Goes The Reader and Jamie @ The Perpetual Page-Turner!). June, it would seem, is a time for firsts: I went to my first book signing (which was so much fun!), had my first official author interview, had my first taste of a known author and reviewed an adult book on Bookish and Awesome.

Fair warning: this recap is sort-of-definitely-maybe-absolutely lengthy and if that isn’t your thing, you can just jump to the particular topic you’re interested in.

Also? THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for all you did with the More Happy Than Not Tag! Your support is heartening!

Books I Read


Other Stuff I Posted

Book Birthdays

The Summer of Chasing Mermaids 01   Between the Notes   Untitled-4   Emmy and Oliver 01

Happy book birthday to More Happy Than Not (Soho Teen), The Summer of Chasing Mermaids (Simon Pulse), The Witch Hunter (Little, Brown Books for Young Readers), Between the Notes (HarperTeen), Every Last Word (Disney Hyperion), The Night We Said Yes (HarperTeen), and Emmy & Oliver (HarperTeen), which all found a place in the shelves this month!

Book Radar

Paperweight   Go Set a Watchman 01

I only have two titles for Book Radar because, come on, Harper Lee! I’m waiting for Paperweight (7th, HarperTeen) and Go Set a Watchman (14th, Harper) (!!!!!).

Gold Star

“”No longer may this liberty be denied,” Justice Anthony M. Kennedy wrote for the majority in the historic decision. “No unison is more profound than marriage, for it embodies the highest ideals of love, fidelity, devotion, sacrifice and family. In forming a marital union, two people become something greater than once they were.”” This Adam Liptak wrote for The New York Times on Friday, June 26th, as the U.S. Supreme Court ruling, by a 5-to-4 vote, made same-sex marriage a right nationwide. I say, yes, America! Finally! Then YouTube shared THIS and excuse me but I’m having ALL THE FEELS. Love, friends, indeed won. ❤

Around the Interwebs


More Happy Than Not 05

So, okay. It is no secret to regular readers of Bookish and Awesome how huge a fan I am of Adam Silvera and his debut More Happy Than Not, which came out this month. And, naturally, the dude owned his publication month. From interviews to open letters, I got you covered!

On why More Happy Than Not has not one but four (4!) awful patriarchal figures  On the case of missing fancy suits and why settling on being more happy than not isn’t so bad  On the memory Adam would most like to forget  On exploring nature vs. nurture in regards to homosexuality  On creating his own MFA program and writing his way to publication  On Adam’s favorite TV shows  On why people mistake homosexuality as a choice  On who would be great friends for Aaron Soto outside the book  On learning when something has to go, it goes  On top secret writing tips  On Adam’s writing style and process

How was your June? Any awesome book or film or music or dessert you consumed this month? Or do you have a post I somehow missed but you think I’d like? Let’s talk!

*That’s a legit thing.

You can also stalk follow me elsewhere! On Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Goodreads, and Bloglovin.

Signature 02

21 thoughts on “Monthly Bookish Awesomeness: June 2015

  1. 1. June was fabulous.
    Of course, finals are not fabulous.
    But there were so many great Twitter conversations, blog posts, and goals reached.

    2. I am currently consuming TPOBAW. Almost DONEEEE.
    As for film, I consumed Jurassic World which was at times corny and the acting was terrible but it had great dinos and we (friends) laughed pretty hard. Watching people get eaten by dinos is funnier than you would expect. (When it’s fake. But when is it not? Lol.)

    As for dessert—why, I’m glad you asked! I consumed cake and Oreo brownies. The Oreos even tasted a little fried inside—YUM.

    3. I doubt you actually missed this one, but Joey’s rant about slow walkers was fantastic. I don’t know if you can relate; but I can and I might’ve read it at least 3 times.

    Congrats on your first signing, once again!


  2. June wasn’t a reading month for me (I literally read a graphic novel and a novella), but I am hoping to start Shadow and Bone today! I feel so behind on this one, so it’s nice to see that you read the second one this month and enjoyed it!
    -Monica @ Tomes Project


    1. This wouldn’t sound so inviting but I had problems with the pacing of S&B BUT the world-building is just magnifique! And I may or may not have swoon once or twice. But Book 2 is very entertaining! Also, I don’t know if you planned your reading that way but I find it sometimes nice to just immerse in other forms of art besides books.


    1. Thanks! And that cover! Color me heart-shaped eyes! June, despite its events being mostly exciting, seemed extended to me. Weird how time works for each of us. I hope July would leave more time for blogging and reading for you, Celine! And thanks for dropping by!


      1. Thanks! I have a love hate relationship with my instagram as the square frame ruins all my pictures. I can’t find a link to your instagram on your blog. Also, isn’t paperfury the best? she’s so hilarious.


  3. I have to ask this: how do you keep track of all the books to be released? I can never remember them or even remember to put them on my calendar. This is one of many reasons I am completely in awe of book bloggers.

    And also you’ll probably be completely responsible for my second contemporary as well, since your excitement over More Happy Than Not has made ME really excited for it. The tag already had me intrigued, and now all these wonderful posts.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. NOTHING WILL MAKE ME MORE HAPPY (at least for now) IF THIS BECOMES ANOTHER SUCCESS. No pressure tho. 😉

      Hmm. From other bloggers? The catalogs from Edelweiss are very useful too, although I don’t take advantage of these more than I should or want too. The most helpful is Goodreads. Like, I’d set one day for scouring through the internet and list down titles that piqued my curiosity INCLUDING their release dates.


  4. So happy that #lovewins happened this month. If only Australia could hurry up and get on board! In terms of bookish things, yay you’re reading Shadow and Bone. Can we have a moment for Sturmhond because I was obsessed, I ship (get it) Stalina(?) so hard. So happy that you had all that success with the More Happy Than Not tag, it really was an amazing idea! Lol -‘I’m feeling twenty-two’- I do this all the time, even if people are reading out the time and it’s 1:22 or something. Congrats on an amazing reading month!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeeeesss! Did you watch the YouTube video? GO! I’ll wait here. And thank you for participating in the MHTN Tag, Liam! 🙂

      You know what’s my problem with Alina? I want to ship her with the three! Like I’m Team Malina but GAAAH STURMHOND! And the scenes with the Darkling, I look forward to them too! Daaaang, Leigh! Have you finished the trilogy? Coz I haven’t read R&R. Waiting for the paperback for the Darkling prequel.

      I hope you had an awesome June despite your busy schedule! Also, where’s my TKAM essay?


      1. Yes! The Youtube video was so cute and heartwarming gah! ❤ Yes I've finished the trilogy and umm eww I can't believe you like Mal *shudders* but the Darkling is just so great. Hurry up and get on R&R! (But damn, I want the special prequel..) The MHTN tag was my pleasure!
        And uhh (cough cough) I didn't actually get to keep my essay…don't kill me?


  5. June was a pretty chill month for me. With the first month of school coming to a close, I am quite frankly, ready to graduate LOL. Your Adam Silvera is one of my favourites this month! I thought the questions you asked were so on-point and spoken like a true fan.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I’m so glad I wasn’t away when #LoveWins happened, and being reminded of it now really makes me smile. I had no idea the court was ruling on gay marriage, so when I woke and checked instagram and saw all these posts hashtagging it, I knew something amazing had happened and I had no idea what, and I couldn’t really have had a beter start to my day. And now my day is going to end happy because you reminded me of what an epic day that was! xx


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