Top Ten Most Anticipated Releases for the Rest of 2015

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish in which book bloggers list their top ten picks for whatever the current prompt is.

As if the pool of new releases from the first half of 2015 isn’t loaded enough with brilliant, incredibly moving books…

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*Click the cover to be directed to the book’s Goodreads page.*

Untitled-4   Go Set a Watchman 01   Another Day 01

The Night We Said Yes by Lauren Gibaldi (June 16th, HarperTeen)
There’s something quietly sublime that instantly jumped at me when I first came across this debut novel. Here’s me hoping it turns out to be that and more.

Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee (July 14th, Harper)
Notwithstanding all the shady accounts circling the publication of probably the most anticipated summer release of the year, which also happened to break the internet in February, I’m really looking forward to picking this one up. There’s no mention of Jem in the bajillion articles, but I hope he’s still part of the story somehow.

Another Day by David Levithan (August 25th, Alfred A. Knopf Books for Young Readers)
For obvious reasons like, say, I love Every Day. In fact, I started sticking note pads on my wall after reading it.

The Rest of Us Just Live Here 01   Cut Both Ways 01   Fans of the Impossible Life 01

(Side note: look at those pulchritudinous covers in a row!)

The Rest of Us Just Live Here by Patrick Ness (August 27th, Walker Books)
THIS. I mean, if “What if you aren’t the Chosen One?” doesn’t get you on board, I’m not sure what else would.

Cut Both Ways by Carrie Mesrobian (September 1st, HarperCollins)
Dysfunctional family? Yes please! Plus, the synopsis reminds me of the Austin-Shann-Robby situation from Grasshopper Jungle.

Fans of the Impossible Life by Kate Scelsa (September 8th, Balzer + Bray)
You know how the world is tired of the token gay best friend, where said best friend gets to have the extraordinary defining quality of, well, “just gay”? That and that alone. Okay, Scelsa promises to smash this archetypal ridiculousness. Also, best friend stories—especially ones that don’t turn into romance—are up my alley. So.

Stand-Off 01   This Monstrous Thing 01   Carry On 01   The League of Unexceptional Children 01

Stand-Off by Andrew Smith (September 8th, Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers)
Um, DUH?

This Monstrous Thing by Mackenzi Lee (Semptember 22nd, Katherine Tegen Books)
Maybe it’s that I am not close with my elder brother, maybe not, but narratives with a focus on siblings relationship are four-point-five-out-of-five in the Things Shelumiel is a Sucker for Rating System.

Carry On by Rainbow Rowell (October 6th, St. Martin’s Griffin)
Rainbow Rowell Rainbow Rowell Rainbow Freakin’ Rowell! (And again, cover score!)

The League of Unexceptional Children by Gitty Daneshvari (October 20th, Little, Brown Books for Young Readers)
This will be the Underdog Anthem! Or whatever the bookish equivalent is. And just, for a minute, drool over that cover!

So now you know that when I told you last week that I have an affinity for HarperCollins titles I’m not giving you BS. And allow me a moment to call myself out; I have only one (1!) POC author. And while women writers are up on 70%, I still feel terrible because I can do better. I should do better.

What’s on your list? Are there titles I missed?

You can also stalk follow me elsewhere! On Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Goodreads, and Bloglovin.

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27 thoughts on “Top Ten Most Anticipated Releases for the Rest of 2015

  1. GO SET A WATCHMAN. I need at least a month to devour every word of this book when it comes out. And we both have THIS MONSTROUS THING! I read like a sneak peek and it was wow. The first line’s already setting up a dark story!


  2. Looking back, I didn’t put in my whole list.

    Daughter of Deep Silence by Carrie Ryan
    Sweet by Emmy Laybourne
    Good Girls by Sara Shepard
    Fans of The Impossible Life by Kate Scelsa
    The Rose Society by Marie Lu
    The White Rose by Amy Ewing
    Ice Like Fire by Sara Raasch
    A Thousand Skies Above You
    A Madness So Discreet
    ALL THE BOOKS, basically. I could go on.


      1. Then, you MUST add them to your TBR. You haven’t read the SLA series?


  3. I didn’t include Rainbow on my list because I haven’t read Fangirl…yet. I’m sure I will be excited about this book once I get that one under my belt.


  4. I haven’t said anything at all about Go Set a Watchman other than “WHAT.” when the news first broke. But I did cave and pre-order it, which is something I’ve never done before. I just . . . yeah . . . I don’t know what to think, and I’m scared to say anything about it until I’ve read it.


    1. I understand! I know TKAM means so much to the two of us. But I’m at the point where no matter how GSAW turns out to be, it wouldn’t affect my opinion and love of TKAM. It just feels sketchy tho, and I wouldn’t know how to react if we actually get the book and later find out Harper Lee never intended for it to be published.


  5. Go Set a Watchman and Carry on are on EVERYONE’s lists, ahaha. Have you heard the controversy over GSAW, I wonder?

    And ooh, The Monstrous Thing has such an enticing cover I cannot.


    1. And it is NOT contemporary! So you can go for it, Alyssa. 😉 As for GSAW and Carry On, I noticed! They’re crowd favorites, it seems. And I know the controversies. That’s why I feel icky somehow. Because, no matter how GSAW turns out to be, I’d always, always love TKAM and Harper Lee. I’m just concerned, one day we’ll wake up to the news that Lee didn’t want to publish it after all. That would crush me.


  6. Eh, I am unaware of books coming out this year, this TT has made me painfully aware of that. I’m still catching up on all the books published before I was born (not to mention last year)- how can I get to all these fantastical new releases, too? Doesn’t mean I won’t gladly add them away to my goodreads tbr, though. There are a good few here that really interest me (A leauge of unexceptional children sounds slightly marvellous), so I’m very excited to do some more looking into these books. xx


What are your thoughts?